Monday, 2 July 2012

Finally - Pesha Gerstler

Finally on my way to yes
I bump into
All the places
Where I said no
To my life.
All the unintended wounds
The red and purple scars
Those hieroglyphs of pain
Carved into my skin and bones,
Those coded messages
That send me down
The wrong street
Again and again.
Where I find them,
The old wounds
The old misdirections,
And I lift them
One by one
Close to my heart
And I say

This moves me so deeply every time I read this poem... and today I read it as I was saying 'holy holy holy' to some fresh sore emotions. I suddenly had the image of my son's 'NO' patch as a toddler, the podgy fists strapped to his sides, brow stern and little lips pursed, the determination and inflexibility – I found it totally draining and exasperating at the time. Now I wander if he was reflecting back to me some 'no's' I was saying in my life.

I laugh that actually as a mother my life is full of yes-es now: to making food, wiping bottoms, going out for a bike rides, dancing in the kitchen, playing with him (an insatiable request... not always a direct yes), and the less popular 'yes' to needing to brush hair, get (in some way) dressed, speaking kindly to everyone... 

And, I am reminded to say to his unintentional wounds and no's too... holy holy holy.

1 comment:

  1. This is beautifully written Jessica. Parenting is always such a challenging / rewarding experience in equal measure! I have a guest post on to be posted 27th Feb titled the 'joys of parenting'. It's not perhaps as thoughtful as your post, but it might amuse you!
